Heart to Heart Counseling of Maryland
CALL US AT 240-361-2056
Rhonda Winfield Jordan, LCSW-C
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Problems with Communication?  Always arguing?
Despite the numerous communication options available to us,many people still struggle with communicating their needs effectively. Learning skills in assertive communication helps to reduce conflicts and get needs met.  Learn to negotiate to arrive at more "win-win" solutions.
Wish there was someone who understood your faith as well as your emotional and relational needs?
​Faith and spiritual beliefs have been shown to impact healing. Christian-Based Counseling is provided for those who wish to include Biblical principles and Christian values as part of their therapy.  No particular faith is required in order to benefit from services with this practice.
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Or call 240-361-2056

There is hope when you are hurting
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If You Check One or More of the Following, You May Benefit from Professional Services.
Helpful Information and Resources
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)  http://www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml
Codependents Anonymous   http://www.coda.org  
    Patterns & Characteristics of Codependence   http://coda.org/index.cfm/meeting-materials1/patterns-of-recovery/
Sleeping More or Less than Normal
Less Interest in Pleasurable Activities
Feelings of Worthlessness or Excessive Guilt
Thoughts of Death & Dying
Changes in Appetite
Feelings of Sadness Lasting More Than 2 Weeks
Increased Irritability
Excessive Worry or Nervousness
Withdrawn or Socially Isolated